Auckland, New Zealand
EMAIL: fineartnewzealand
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This site supports
Merit 1993 Pumphouse Art Awards
After the Nightmare
Patron's Choice 1999 Pakuranga Arts Members Exhibition
Some Days You Can See For Miles
Merit 2000 Pakuranga Summer Arts Festival
Cabin at Fern Creek
Merit 2000 Pakuranga Members Exhibition
The Abyss
Finalist 2003 Waikato National Art Awards
Merit Open Painting Royal New Zealand Easter Show 2005
Whispers of the Deep
Finalist 2008 Tauranga National Art Awards
Dissolution of Eternity
Merit Acrylic Open Royal New Zealand Easter Show 2009
Magic Mountain
Third Place Royal New Zealand Easter Show Art on Board 2010
We Are All Made Of Stars
Merit Small Painting Royal New Zealand Easter Show 2011
Alice Angel
Merit Abstract Royal New Zealand Easter Show 2011
Ten Bottles
Second Place Coca Cola Easter Show Professional Category 2012
Hell's Bells
Invited judge of the 2016 Royal Easter Show Art Competition
Third Place Royal Easter Show Open Oil or Acrylic Category 2017
Totara and Sandstone
First Place Royal Easter Show Open Oil or Acrylic Category 2018
Fantail and Nikau
I have always had a general love of drawing and painting. As a child I kept sketch books in which I would draw my favourite Marvel characters, military vehicles, planes, and all those boyish things. My love for art stayed with me into adulthood with a growing interest for the great Masters of Art and my library of books reflects that.
I have dedicated my life to my artistic feelings and have always tried to organise myself around time and space to paint. But my educational life includes
a BSc in Terrestrial Ecology and a Certificate in Computer Publishing and Design. However even during these times I would seek solice in the arts library rather than concentrate on my studies.
Recently I have also taken up writing again, which I used to dabble in at high school, when I had thought to become a writer, I also did photography at University and was getting a lot of work from would be models. But once again I had to decide what was most important to me and left writing and photography to concentrate on painting.
However I have now self published my first novel Harvenger and am very happy with it as a unique piece of horror fiction and am now working on the sequel.
Entirely self taught, apart from a few high school years, I began with student quality Acrylics and then moved on to Oils in my late teens. Unhappy with my early work I destroyed it all by fire though one or two pieces may still exist.
Early paintings were composed on stock standard canvas board with a progression to acid free Artboard and now to prepared mdf board. I find mdf to be wonderful as it is cheap and can be bought in very large sheets though the downside is that it is heavy and requires a lot of preparation. Influences and inspiration comes from the Masters of Art,
music, travels and a vivid imagination.
I am not a galleried artist and do not actively seek to market myself apart from this website, of which I am webmaster, though one day I do hope to have my own studio gallery on the Coromandel where I can spend the rest of my days painting, surfing and fishing.
Since 2005 I have also begun to paint under the nom de plume Pierre Citrouille. Paintings signed under this alias reflect more modern, abstract and experimental work which I wish to keep
seperate from my traditional and classical work signed A D Sutton, however all works contain my monogram logo. Pierre Citrouille paintings show this monogram after the signature. A D Sutton paintings have this monogram hidden within the painting.
Paintings for sale on this site may be viewed by appointment at my studio/gallery in Howick.
Thank you for your attention should you have gotten this far.
Shaking Off The Monkeys:
As an artist you will quickly come to learn two things. 1: All the world is a critic 2: People love to criticise.
There will be as many opinions about your art as there are people who view it. Some people are supportive and some are not. Over the years I have learnt to accept those good comments with thanks and to listen to the bad with an open mind. Take from the bad what you will if you feel the criticism is constructive and leave the rest in the bin, because there will always be those people that wish to place 'monkeys' on your back. Monkeys are those things that take away your confidence, your enjoyment or your belief in what you are doing. They inhibit you, hold you back from trying new things or from extending your reach. They try to make you believe you are not good enough.
It is not an easy thing to compose a work of art and put it on show.
For instance; I have had to deal for decades with the sniggers of those who see I am painting a female nude. The comments of "typical male", "filthy" or the dirty looks, or the sarcastic laughs of people who see no deeper than the surface of the paint. Fortunately today I am very thick skinned and don't give a damn what these people think. The monkeys they try to place on you are the ones they themselves carry.
Always be true to your self and your vision no matter what stage or ability you are at. If you find people trying to put monkeys on your back, shake them off and continue your journey.