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Kids art print of Baron flying his red plane
Colourful Canvas Prints

One fine day Peter was resting in his favourite place. He was high in the barn loft laying back in the straw and looking out through the wide loft windows. From here he could see far out of the fields and watch the lazy clouds float by. He sipped lemonade and munched on large chocolate chip cookies.
He was thinking about nothing in particular when a crow swooped down from out of the sky. Like a large dark shadow it appeared and sat on the winch arm that was used to lift heavy objects like hay bails up into the loft. For a moment it sat there puffing as if it had travelled a great distance.

"Hello Mr Crow," said Peter sitting up with straw sticking to his hair. "How are you today?"
"Peter. . . come quickly," gasped the crow hoping down onto the platform under the winch. "The Griffen is sick. He needs your help."
"Whatever do you mean," asked Peter. "Who is Griffen?"
"Griffen is the half lion half eagle that lives in the hidden cave up in the mountains. I was flying by and saw he was ill. He asked for my help and you're the only person I knew who could."
"Well then I suppose I should," said Peter. "But the mountains are a long way. You will need to guide me."
Peter climbed down out of the loft to find Robbie the Robot. He was holding up the back of the tractor so Sam his father could work on a broken part.
"Dad!" said Peter. "I need to have Robbie please. It's an emergency." Sam saw that Peter was serious.
"Alright then, just let me put some blocks under the tractor and then he's yours."

In no time at all Sam had the tractor resting on the blocks and Peter, Robbie and the crow were away. Robbie carried Peter on his back as he ran. The mountains were quite some way in the distance over the fields and through the forest. Then it was a great climb which Robbie managed effortlessly. Higher and higher they climbed up into the sky until they were almost to the clouds.
The crow landed on a small ledge where a cave entrance could just be seen, but if you didn't know where to look you would never find it. Just inside the cave lay the Griffen. He was a beautiful golden colour and large as a lion but with great folded eagle wings. He looked up at Peter with big sad eyes.
"What is the matter Mr Griffen?" asked Peter.
"Ohhhh," moaned the Griffen. "My stomach hurts. I ate something which has made me very ill."
"I would like to help," said Peter. "But what can I do?"
"Do you know what Jingle Berries are?" asked the Griffen. "They grow in the forest below near the waterfall. They are very hard to find, but if you can bring me some I will get better."
"Yes I think I know the ones, but Robbie here can help me look. His eye sight is very very good."
With that Peter climbed back onto Robbie's shoulder. "Don't worry Mr Griffen we'll be back soon."

So Robbie quickly climbed back over the ledge and down the mountain again to the forest. They searched for what seemed a long time going deeper and deeper into the forest untill they came to a giant waterfall. Peter told Robbie what to look for and together they found all sorts of berries but not Jingle berries.
Then at last Peter saw them, hiding behind some rocks near a clear pool where fish looked at them from below.
"Here they are," yelled Peter frightening the fish who darted back into the deep shadows. Peter filled his pockets with the bright berries but was mindful not to take them all. Finally when he was sure he had enough Robbie once again picked him up. They speed back up the mountain to the Giffen's Cave. When the Griffen saw the berries he sighed with relief.
"Thank you so much," he said eating all the sticky berries and licking the juice from his paws. Then he gave a big burp. "You know I'm feeling better already."
Your welcome," said Peter. "But it has been a long day and we must get back home or mum and dad will start to worry."
The Griffin stood stretching his wide wings and and scratched at his chin with one very long claw.
"Well I am in your debt," he said. "So if you ever need a favour just call me."
"How shall we do that?" asked Robbie.
Crow who had been sitting on a nearby rock and thought he had been forgotten coughed loudly.
"Crow!" they all exclaimed and then laughed. "Of course we can ask crow to find you."
And so Peter, Robbie and Crow returned home happy that they had helped to make a new and important friend.

All artwork, painting, drawing, text & images on this website are under copyright and may not be used in any form without the express permission of the artist.
© 2012 A. D. Sutton